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Springfield Choral Society


About Us

The Springfield Choral Society seeks to create “community through harmony,” bringing together singers from all backgrounds to prepare and present vibrant performances. We believe in the profound benefits of collective singing for the mind, body, and spirit and aim to be a source of well-being for our members. Through creatively conceived and passionately performed concerts, we seek to share that well-being with the broader community. We happily explore the repertoire of all times and places, from Mozart to McFerrin, with an emphasis on choral masterworks. Blending a talented mixture of amateur and professional singers, we maintain a high musical standard, striving for a symbiosis of artistic ambition and fun. We strive to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment where all feel valued and respected. As a member of the Springfield arts community for over 50 years, we love to partner with other area organizations, including frequent collaborations with the Illinois Symphony Orchestra. The Springfield Choral Society is proud of its rich tradition and looks forward to a bright future for choral music in our capital city.

Jacobsen Woollen Director of the Springfield Choral Society in Springfield, Illinois


Meet the Springfield Choral Society Board of Directors


Sing With Us

It takes a lot of wonderful people to make Springfield Choral Society what it is, and the most important people are our dedicated singers. If you enjoy singing and would like to be a part of a Springfield tradition, please consider joining us! 

Sing With the Springfield Choral Society in Springfield, Illinois

Upcoming Events

Support the Springfield Choral Society in Springfield, Illinois

Support Us

We need your support to keep our tradition alive. The Springfield Choral Society is recognized as a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This makes your contribution to SCS tax deductible.


Sing with the Springfield Choral Society in Springifeld, Illinois

Sing With Us

Support the Springfield Choral Society in Springfield, Illinois

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